The Garden

Writing is hard, isn't it? An introductory post shouldn't be too hard to create, but I'm finding that I can't consciously think of the next word I'm going to type. I'm too focused on ensuring that you actually find what I'm saying interesting instead of saying whatever I want to. That's the difficult thing about writing that I find, at least, it's boring until it isn't, but it takes a lot of boring to get to the “isn't” stage. I support I'm just not good at it, which is a fair point, I don't do it often enough to pretend to be so, but it's something I want to do more. Hence why this is here, I suppose.

I used to have a blog here, but I remade it since the posts were from a different time in my life, and I don't think that's a necessarily interesting one for others to read, so they're archived until such a time as I want to reflect on stuff. Well, reflect and realise that I'm still as insane as I was. It was surprisingly easy to get this set up again, too. The documentation says it'll take about 30 minutes to set up, but I was up and running in ~3. Granted, I already had some of the process set up, but still, less than 5 minutes instead of 30. Either I'm a wizard or someone vastly overestimates the complexity of the setup process.

I'm definitely not a wizard, though, not by a long shot. I can just follow guides quite well, and make it up when the guide stops working. I think the main mystifying part is that no one sees the failures, even if you describe in painstaking detail each and every last one of them, they only see the end product. Even if you didn't create the product, you having it now irreversibly connects them to you, which isn't the worst thing in all fairness. There are some advantages to it, but there is also definitely impostor syndrome, so I suppose that balances it out.

All of this is to say I'm gonna write some thoughts down here every now and again. Can't say when, or what thoughts, or even the style of writing, but it should be a fun way to decompress. If you're someone who knows me, and you're reading this... hey, I suppose. Probably the most 'me' way to say that in a blog post. If you have instead stumbled onto this website by accident or somehow on purpose, hi to you too. I'll let you decide if your time was well spent, though I could hazard a guess. Anyway, I should probably get back to real life now.

Peace ✌️